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The levy will be based on property values
The net difference on tax rate will be $0.02 from 2019
Wrap current bonds into new bonds
Eliminate special building fund
District valuation increases would allow for future decreases to general fund levy

How will we pay for it?

What does this mean for property taxes?

Agricultural Land (per acre)

Agricultural Land (160 acres)

How will the bond money be spent?
The project consists of 3 parts:
PreK-2nd grade building
Middle School building (master planned to become the future High School)
Performing Arts Auditorium (attached to Middle School)
The price also includes:
Utility Infrastructure
Sanitary sewer
Storm sewer
Streets and Roadways
Connection to existing streets and roadways
Connection to future development
Traffic flow and turning movements

What will we gain?
Space for current students
Space for future students to meet projected growth
More classes offered
Continued smaller class sizes
More inclusive education for all of our students
Community engagement through the Fine Arts Auditorium
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